

Do you remember that game?  That silly little game that girls played, to predict what your life would be when you grew up?  M = Mansion.  A = Apartment.  S = Shack.  H = House.  You'd also predict who your husband would be, what car you would drive, what job you would have, etc.  I'm sure I wasn't the only person who hoped for the best of everything.

Funny how things change.

The other day, I found exactly the place that I could spend the rest of my life.  It's not a mansion with massive square feet.  It's a little country home nestled on the outskirts of Providence, near where I currently live (and love).  It's not a brand new home -- it's a little dated actually.  It's relatively small, but has plenty of square feet for my small family.  It has so much character and so much charm.  

Izz-the-Friz won't be disappointed with the beautiful, big (fenced) back yard.  The best part about this house... it has a large pasture with a barn!!!  Cocoa & Dandy could live with us!!!

Now, back in the days of playing M.A.S.H. I would have told you barns are stinky, and that me and my rich husband wouldn't want to have one, let alone live near one.  Oh, how things have changed.  Today, my Mansion = Cute Country Cottage, with trees, garden, big back yard for the pup and a pasture and barn for the horses.

I love stacking hay, feeding horses and wouldn't mind mucking a stall.   On a day like today, which was not a good day, it would have been nice to walk out my back door, saddle my horse and go for a long ride.  

One day...

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