
Banana Crepes with Buttermilk Syrup

With our special visitors about to leave town (insert sad face), we just had to sent them off with a special breakfast.  This was a ploy on our part.  We secretly wanted them to miss us and our good food so much that they wouldn't wait an entire year before returning again to Utah for a visit.  We'll see if it works.

Earlier in the week, I had made some Buttermilk Syrup.  This is special treat at our house.  When I asked my mother if she had ever had Buttermilk Syrup, I thought she might gag.  She has no idea what she's missing out on.  It's like caramel on your pancakes, only not as sweet.  It will take and ordinary pancake or waffle and turn it into something magical.  

1/2 cup Buttermilk
1/2 cup Butter
1 cup Sugar
2 tbsp Karo Syrup
1 tbsp Vanilla
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
Pinch of Salt

Combine the buttermilk, butter, sugar, karo syrup and salt in a large saucepan (this will double in size when you add the baking soda, so a large saucepan will save you a large mess).  Boil for 3-5 minutes.  Remove from heat and stir in baking soda and vanilla.  Stir until foam decreases.

Back to our visitors, who were in need of a memorable breakfast to draw them back to Utah sooner rather than later.  I now had a jar of this delicious Buttermilk Syrup just sitting in my fridge waiting to be used, but we couldn't just give our guests pancakes.  We went for crepes instead (or Swedish Pancakes, if you are husband and refuse to call them crepes).

CREPES (aka Swedish Pancakes)
6 Eggs
1 1/2 cups Flour
2 1/2 cups Milk
2 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until well combined.  In a large non-stick skillet on medium heat, add a little vegetable oil (not to fry, but just to coat).  I like mine thick... Chris likes his thin.  Add as much of the batter as you would like to make the thickness you would like.

So, what made these crepes so special?  They are filled with sliced bananas, whipped cream and a drizzle of the warm Buttermilk Syrup.  

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