Today. Was. Fun.
The Beav is Open
Today. Was. Fun.
Our Christmas Card
Chris and I feel truly blessed this year. Our family is happy and healthy, Chris's business has continued to grow and be successful and I feel lucky to have such a wonderful job. We've had the opportunity to travel this year and moved into a beautiful home that couldn't be more perfect for our family. Izzy, Dandy & Cocoa still bring us loads of entertainment and a lot of fun and laughs.
Spiritually -- our family has grown leaps and bounds.
Doughnut Day 2011
North Pole Express
Now THAT's Christmas Spirit
The young father stood in line at the Kmart layaway counter, wearing dirty clothes and worn-out boots. With him were three small children. He asked to pay something on his bill because he knew he wouldn't be able to afford it all before Christmas. Then a mysterious woman stepped up to the counter.Trust me... you should read the Full Article.
"She told him, `No, I'm paying for it,'" recalled Edna Deppe, assistant manager at the store in Indianapolis. "He just stood there and looked at her and then looked at me and asked if it was a joke. I told him it wasn't, and that she was going to pay for him. And he just busted out in tears."
I have a sudden urdge to visit a Kmart layaway counter.
Pickleville Playhouse
Festival of Trees
My little sis lost a baby 8 years ago this December. It's hard to believe it's really been that long...
Lack of Holiday Spirit
What could be so cool about my iPad that the rest of my life get neglected, you ask? Let me tell you.
iBook Library. Here lies the real problem. My iBook Library. I've been able to download a lot of books, at a fraction of the price, and read right here. This book is thin and light, fits in my purse, and currently goes everywhere with me. I'm currently hooked on a series that has consumed my mind this week, making me unable to focus on anything else.
So, my iPad. The best gift my husband has given me in a long time... and the cause of my organized life falling apart as we know it.
He's a bit impatient when it comes to feeding time.
For CCP... Mario
Mario Lopez. I thought it was cool, but no one else at "The Grove" in LA thought so. Apparently, he's there everyday. Well I'm not, so it was cool!
Our Vacation Memories
When will the Magic Start?
Ms. Brielle has a serious case of the flu. The last time she was this sick, and for this long, she was a baby and admitted to Primary Children's hospital for dehydration. Brielle was so distraught this morning about NOT going to Disneyland, she literally cried until she threw up.
They say that this is the happiest place on earth... but we find ourselves asking when the magic starts for us? I wandered the streets of Anaheim (on foot and in the dark) and finally found a Food 4 Less to stock up on meds and Gatorade. It helped, but not enough.
We are fortunate to be traveling with co-workers, one of whom is a high councilman in the stake we previously resided in. He kindly agreed to step away from dinner with his wife to venture over to what could possible be, our flu infested hotel room to assist in giving Brielle a priesthood blessing.
Brielle is resting comfortably now, and the hotel has provided us with DVD's to keep our little B entertained while couped up inside. Our mini vacation might not be magical (yet), but I sure feel blessed to be married to a worthy priesthood holder, and to be surrounded by other worthy priesthood holders. During a month where we ponder on gratitude and blessings, the priesthood certainly nears the top of my list.
Allergic to... Snow Crab?
We left the stadium sure of two things...
1. ReAL plays better when the Merkley's are in attendance.
2. No more Snow Crab for Brielle.
"There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world."
Hunting Widow
And this is Daisy now...
...complete with paws the size of... well, my own hand.
Brielle: We learned about pollination today at school.Me: Really, what did you learn about it?Brielle: That bees carry pollen to other plants, which fertilizes them and grows new baby plants.Chris: That's how we get babies, too. Dads pollinate Moms. (with a chuckle).(I look at Chris with a complete look of shock on my face, not wanting to have that conversation yet)Brielle: Oooooooo-Kay (while looking at him like an idiot).
This Face
(click the pic for more information) |
In a world of turmoil and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to make our families the center of our lives and the top of our priorities. Families lie at the center of our Heavenly Father's plan. We need to make our homes a place of refuge from the storm, which is increasing in intensity all about us. Even if the smallest openings are left unattended, negative influences can penetrate the very walls of our homes.This past week, I witnessed first hand the "negative influences" that Elder Perry speaks of in his talk. I was in Washington with my sisters and parents, attending the funeral of a dear Uncle, who died suddenly and tragically. I watched a family unravel during a time of loss. It was sad, and it was heart breaking, to say the very least.
It's interesting that at times of change, crisis or loss, we are reminded that what matters most is family. My experience this past weekend was a loud reminder that families are a blessing, and they are to be valued and nurtured. I was reminded that we can't just place focus on our immediate families either -- that no matter the circumstance, we can make a powerful difference in the lives of even our extended family with constant love, support and encouragement.
They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
Turning Over New Leaves?
It Doesn't Happen Often
Hey, it doesn't happen often, so when it does, I live it up!
Proud Mama
Brielle's the cutest when riding her bike, I swear. She makes this quarky smile, and peddles her little heart out. It's adorable!
I would also like to proudly post that Brielle, during last nights riding lesson, jumped her horse for the very first time ever. I'm not kidding!
Chicago - Day #4 & 5
We went back to Bubba Gump's place for dinner Monday evening. It was good the first time, so it was sure to be good a second time.
I ate it. And it was good. So I ate a few more.
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