
Not Just a Valentine Celebration

Today isn't just the day we celebrate Valentine's Day...  
It's the day our  family gets to celebrate a birthday, too!

Happy Birthday Izzy-Frizzy!

Born February 14, 2010
Joined our family March 26, 2010

Izz-the-Frizz weighs 50 lbs and is still growing.
Loves bacon and eats all the apples that fall off the apple tree.
Will destroy anything containing stuffing.
Shakes her bum when she wags her tail.
Has a cat complex.
Is afraid to jump out of the back of the truck.
Licks the sweat off your legs and arms.
Is the sweetest pup you'll ever meet.

Oh, and she L.O.V.E.S Peanut Butter, so we celebrated
with some Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes,
adorned with a chocolate bone.

Some may think that this is a bit over the top for a pup's birthday,
but this is hugely scaled down from what Brielle wanted to do.

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