
I Can Do It

The most I know about sewing is what I learned during HomeEq in the 7th grade.  Since then, most of the projects I've completed have been under the strict supervision of my mom (which mostly means that she took over and completed a project that I lacked qualifications for, and could have possibly destroyed).

But not this project.  I'm venturing out on my own.  My mom can't come to my rescue, because this time, I'm sewing at my house and not hers.  And she lives two hours away.  Although I'd like think that if I were in desperate need, she'd make the trek up here on $4.00 per gallon gas to fix it.

Tonight, I decided to cut out the super cute, black and white flower print fabric, which will soon (I hope) cover a foam cushion to be placed on Brielle's window seat.  It was then that I realized I didn't have the following:

  • Cording, to go around the edges.
  • Pins
  • Sewing Scissors
  • Black Thread
  • Pick (just in case)
  • One of those little ruler sticks, with the slide thing
  • Zipper Foot 

    I was totally unprepared.

    Thank You JoAnn's 50% off Memorial Day Sale.

    I now have all but one thing to complete this task... confidence.  Even measuring apparently requires the skills of a professional.  Thanks to my husband the professional, each piece is now cut out perfectly straight (and it's a good thing he helped, my measurements were off).

    Tomorrow... we sew.

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