

From a very early age, Brielle talked about playing the violin. It was always something she had interest in, but something I always feared. Mostly because I knew nothing about the violin. It was completely foreign to me.

I forced piano on her for 6 months... until my husband decided that the fighting and screaming and yelling had gone far enough. I even went as far as to threaten her with no violin unless she completed one full year of piano. But in the end, I realized something. I can't make this kid like the things I like, or force her to do the things that I know how to do. She is her own person.

Fast forward 3 years and Brielle has stuck with the violin. She practices every day, is progressing quite quickly and I absolutely love listening to her play. She's even been asked to perform during the children's primary program this fall!

Recently, she asked for a new violin. She didn't want the beginner model anymore. Being that string instruments are very expensive, it took some time to save up the money, but after several months, we were able to get her what she wanted and needed.

I was lucky as a child. Growing up myself, playing both the piano and the flute, and having sisters play instruments of their own, I had parents who were extremely supportive. They too made whatever sacrifice necessary so that I (and my sisters) could have very nice instruments as well. I'm committed to do the same.

I'm happy for Brielle and I'm grateful we were in a position to do this for her. She works hard, is responsible and most certainly deserved it.

How did I get so lucky to have such a great kid?

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