
Project Skinny {R4}

Some may have noticed, others may not, that my Project Skinny page turned from {R3} to {R4}, meaning I've moved from round 3 to round 4 of my weight loss journey. What's that they say? 4th times a charm? With me, I guess that's the case. I found success in Round 1, but reverted back to my old ways and soon, the weight came back. Round 2 & 3 was a lame attempt at trying to recover, but this time, it will be different (it has to be different).

I'm going back to what worked, including blogging about my journey here on this blog. This blog is about me and my life, so it seems appropriate. It also holds me accountable and reminds me of how far I've come, and how far I have to go. My first post titled "New Year, New Goals, New Me" is already up. I'll write about the ups and downs, the misery and the joy. Wish me luck...

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