
Welcome Home

It's been a long six weeks... for him and for me.  I've missed seeing Cocoa, rubbing his neck and brushing his mane.  Matt the Horse Trainer delivered him straight to his new home today, which happens to be the barn behind my house.

I have a barn.  It still seems weird to say.

Cocoa unloaded from the trailer just fine, and was anxious to start grazing in that nice, green pasture.  But he couldn't.  Not yet anyway.

Our green grass is very rich compared to the stuff he's been eating the last several weeks.   If we let him loose in the pasture, he'd continue to eat to his big hearts content until he foundered.  Foundering causes swelling inside a horse's feet, causing pain and restricting blood flow.  This could result in severe issues with the horse -- some horses never will be the same.

Impressed that I know so much?  Google helps with all my horse questions.

So, for now, Cocoa will have to reside in the newly clean (free of sheep shat) barn.  It's not ideal for him I'm sure, with all that lush green grass just a few feet away.  But here he will stay until we can ween him off of hay and onto the good stuff.  Over the next week or so, he'll be fed hay and allowed to graze for short periods during the day.

Ms. Izzle-Frizzle was jealous of all the attention the equine was getting, so she pranced over to her pool and threw herself a little pity-party.

Such high-maintenance animals we have.  Watch for more photos this weekend... MY horse is being delivered on Friday!!!

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