

I have literally been consumed by my iPad, which is why the lack of posts recently.  After being annoyed by how often I wanted to use Chris's iPad (at church, at home, at work, etc.) he thoughfully purchased me one of my own for my birthday this year.  I'd like to believe his motives were purely selfless.

But here's the problem... my house isn't as clean as normal.  My laundered clothes don't get folded.  Dinner gets made (or purchased) but then not cleaned up after.  Brielle's bench seat cushion?  Still not sewn.

What could be so cool about my iPad that the rest of my life get neglected, you ask?  Let me tell you.

Words with Friends.  I can literally play Scrabble with my BFF in Sacramento, my sisters in Alpine, and my other BFF while she's at work... All at the same time.  Trust me, once you start, you can't stop.  Although, I would like to figure out why I lose 2/3's of the games I start? 

The Gospel Library.  Can I just say, in an age where I can't seem to get my 9 yr old class to sit still, be reverent and listen, this comes in handy.  I plan my lesson, they get to read from my iPad and I download church vidoes (which guarantees me at least 3 minutes of silence).

StumbleUpon.  I've blogged about this app before.  You tell it your interests, and then sends you highly reviewed websites (which go along with your interests) that they've "stumbled upon."  Because of this app, I've found many recipes, including that of an orange, cranberry muffin with streusel topping that I plan to make this weekend.  Yum.

iBook Library.  Here lies the real problem.  My iBook Library.  I've been able to download a lot of books, at a fraction of the price, and read right here.  This book is thin and light, fits in my purse, and currently goes everywhere with me.  I'm currently hooked on a series that has consumed my mind this week, making me unable to focus on anything else. 

So, my iPad.  The best gift my husband has given me in a long time... and the cause of my organized life falling apart as we know it.