

This year, Thanksgiving was spent out in Tridell.  I have no pictures, because I spent the weekend playing and reading on my iPad (see previous post).  And, the one event that I planned on taking pictures of (tree hunting at White Rocks in the Uintah's) I had an unforetunate experience that caused my quick retreat.  Which will also not be discussed.

Everything Thanksgiving, I've posted about the things that matter most in my life which are also, the things I'm most grateful for.  It's a reminder of my blessings and the things that bring me the greatest joy.

I'm thankful that we are together. 
I'm thankful that my family is Eternal. 
I'm thankful that we're well and that the illness that currently plague our home are temporary and not life threatening.
I'm thankful for extended family who love us, help us, visit us, support us, etc.

I'm thankful for the horses.
I'm thankful for the pup.
Surprisingly, I love the responsiblity and work that comes along with having them, even when it's cold outside.
I love that the horses meet me at the fence when I go outside.
I love that the pup bum shakes while wagging her tail when we play.

I'm thankful for my home.
I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to live where I live.
I'm thankful for the warm feeling I have when I'm there, with my family.
I'm thankful for a husband who can take something worn and old, and turn it into new and beautiful.

I'm thankful for my job.
I'm thankful for Chris's work.
I'm thankful for the ability we have to provide for our family.
I'm thankful to be able to work with such wonderful people, and that Chris has been able to work for some amazing clients.

I'm thankful for my friends.
I'm thankful for Bunko, late night movies & fat free salads.
I'm thankful to be validated, when needed, and put in my place, when necessary.
I love their honesty and I cherish their friendship.

I'm thankful for the Gospel.
I'm thankful for our ward family, who are wonderful.
I'm thankful for my callings, even though they (yes, I have more than one) test my patience.


“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!