
Danger on the Farm

You remember when this happened a of couple weeks back, right?  If not, click HERE.

Well, most of the water is gone now, except for where the arrow is pointing.  There, we have our own little ice rink.  Many a times over the past few weeks, I've seen Izzy slide across it, Brielle slide across it and Chris hot doggin' it out there. 

The point I'm trying to make is that I knew the ice was there.

My neighbor was out feeding their animals the same time I was this morning.  We got chatting.  Izzy dropped her ball in front of me, like she does every morning.  Without thinking, I picked it up and threw it as hard as I could into the pasture.

Before I go on, let me ask this... do you know what happens when your rubber tires hit ice on the road?  Ya?  Well, the same thing happens when rubber muck boots slide on ice.

It was at that moment, with my feet flying out from underneath me (backwards, no less) that I remembered the ice.  My knee is swollen, torn up and bleeding, and I'm pretty positive I just undid the thousands of dollars of physical therapy to my wrist from a previous farm accident.  This will likely be confirmed this afternoon when I make a trip to InstaCare.  I consider myself semi lucky, because my face hit the ground too, however, there's no broken nose or bleeding forehead. 

The farm can be a dangerous place... but only when you're stupid and not thinking.

1 comment:

The Dipo's said...

Oooo..... Normally I get a kick out of people falling down, but yours just sounds painful! I hope you had some good news from the Insta-care doctor.