
Stupid Horse

That's what I called Dandy when I saw the trouble he was getting into. I called him stupid, but what I found him doing, however, made me believe that he's actually smarter than I thought.

We have an electric fence keeping the horses in the pasture, and out of the back yard. Lately, it's been turned off, but there's never been an issue. We use an electric fence to separate the grass pasture from the area near the barn. During the fall and winter, we've kept the horses out of the pasture in order to let the ground "recover" so that new grass will grow in the spring.

This yellow handle helps us easily access both sides.

Today, while doing dishes at the sink in my kitchen, I looked out the window to find Dandy in the corner, near this access to the pasture. I watched as he, using his mouth, got a hold of the yellow handle and lifted it off the yellow bracket.

I am not joking. Just as easily as he lifted it off, he tossed it to the side and took off running into the pasture, with Cocoa following close behind. They proceeded to run around, roll in the snow and try to deconstruct my yard fence. Clearly, they were trying to be destructive, and destructive is exactly what they were.

I cannot wait to see him try it again, now that the fence it hot (turned back on). Go ahead Dandy... I dare you.

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