
One Giant Bowl of Cereal

I don't eat a lot of cold cereal. I just don't. I prefer smoothies, oatmeal or pancakes to cold cereal. So it goes without saying that I'm the last person to know when cereal gets low at our house.

The two people in the house who do eat cereal for breakfast (almost everyday), are also the last people to tell the grocery shopper in the family (me) that the cereal is getting low. I'll look in the pantry, see several boxes, and think "we're good" before a trip to Macey's. I'll soon find out that we are in fact **not good**.

And this is how I find out that we are **not good***...

Chris will pull out all the remaining boxes of cereal, which for some reason, all contain a less than enough for a full bowl. He'll combine them all into one giant bowl, and then consume. While I watch in disgust. Nasty! If all these cereals were meant to be eaten together, they would all be in the same box! Granola with Cherrios? Chex with Special K? Really?

Wouldn't it be easier to just leave me a note?

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