
Things Keeping Me From My Blog

I have not been good at blogging lately. March 27th was my last post. March 27th was over a month ago (just in case in your mind, you're still in April... like me). Life is crazy and seems to get crazier as time goes on. Was anyone going to tell me that as kids grow, so do their schedules? Which subsequently makes my schedules grow? Which makes me crazy, behind on laundry and neglectful of my blog?

Spiders. The weather turns warm and they invade my house, those nasty little creatures. And for some reason, I'm always afraid that the Tupperware cage won't work, and he'll escape. So every 5 minutes, I'm checking to make sure he's still there. The exterminator is scheduled when we're in D.C.

Spring Soccer. If you live in Cache Valley, you don't look forward to spring soccer. It's cold. Ridiculously cold. Like, bring multiple blankets cold, because yours will be taken when your daughter and her friend is on the sidelines, then you'll be without one, cold.

And then because every game is scheduled on a violin lesson day, you'll have to pull your angry kid from the game 10 minutes early to race into Logan. But hey... at least it's warm in her studio.

Babies. Yes folks, there's babies on the Merkley farm. It was bound to happen at one point or another. However, being that we just started feeding a KITTEN last fall, I didn't expect that the KITTEN would go and get herself knocked up while still just a KITTEN herself. Now we have 5 more kittens.

And my child begs me every hour, on the hour to take her out to see the kittens. I can't win and I certainly can't catch up. The laundry, dishes and vacation planning will continue to sit un-done, waiting for me to have a free moment in between all this madness.

If I've misspelled words in the post, I apologize. I didn't have time to spell check.

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