
Pup Birthday Post & Health Update

Izzy turns 4 today - Valentine's Day! And she couldn't have been born on a day more fitting of her personality. She is a lover. She loves everyone and everything. Here's a look back at this sweetest little pup...

For the past 2 1/2 years, Izzy has been suffering. We've been to numerous vets, all claiming it something different. Change her food, do this, do that, but she continued to get worse. I guess because she's a pure bred Labrador (and because of her light coloring) she's prone to allergies and skin problems. She had yeast infections so badly in her ears, her ear drums ruptured, causing so much pain and discomfort. We'd find her wedged behind our barbeque grill literally trying to rub her ears right off. She was depressed, sad and miserable.

I'm happy to report that after finding an old-school farmer vet, two sedations, two rounds of antibiotics, a prescription ointment, Costco brand dog food (minus carbs of any kind) and a supplement called "Dinovite," Izzy is returning to happy, loving self! Her ears are healing, the yeast infection is going away, and her skin and fur is as soft as a puppy's! Not at all coarse like a normal dog her age.

After yesterday's appointment, she wasn't quite ready to come back out of sedation. I just love the way her jowl is squished against her paw...

Because she was sedated, I couldn't get her out of my car! 95 lbs of dead weight was just too much for me. And then Chris (aka... her favorite) came home and this is what happened...

She perked right up! Naturally! She started doing figure 8's around his legs, leaning on him for support, of course, since she was still a little druggy.

Our family is certainly more happy because this sweet pup is in our lives! I can't remember a time without her. Happy Birthday Izzle-fo-Shizzle! Izz-the-Frizz! Izz-Frizz and whatever random nicknames we've given you!

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